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Viking Gymir


Ship Overview

Gymir is a wealthy Jötunn (a race of giants in Norse mythology) who, by some accounts, is said to be the same mythological figure as Aegir, the giant god of the sea. According to legend, Gymir is well-respected among the gods for his fine ales and feasts. He is also the father of the beautiful giantess Geror, wife of the god of harvest, Freyr.

Viking Gymir  |  Cruises

14-night Grand European Tour Cruise06/26/2024from $8,799

14-night Grand European Tour Cruise10/30/2024from $4,499

14-night Grand European Tour Cruise05/14/2025from $5,499

14-night Grand European Tour Cruise09/17/2025from $5,999

View all 34 Viking Gymir Cruise Offers...

Travel Discovery Inc.

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